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Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News
XI International Congress of Arbitration, Lima, Peru. April 26, 27 and 28, 2017
The International Congress of Arbitration of Lima, Peru, is the key event for all professionals who are interested in commercial arbitration and investment arbitration. Undoubtedly, the success of its previous editions has allowed this event to become the most important academic and professional activity in the South American region, not only for the richness of its themes, but also for bringing together renowned referees, Partners of prestigious offices around the world, magistrates, lawyers, businessmen, public officials, among other practitioners of the arbitration.
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
How can in-house lawyers settle international dispute resolutions? Here is the manual…
The CPR Corporate Counsel Manual for Cross Border Dispute Resolution has been released during the CPR Annual Meeting at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, with the help of Ank Santens and Jennifer Glasser, President and Secretary of the CPR Arbitration Committee. Both work for White & Case in New York, the law firm who generously edited the Manual.
12 March 2017_Attitude Consulting for Confilegal (Spain)
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Which Latin American Countries do Law Firms Recommend to Invest In?
According to a survey carried out in the last months of 2016 by Attitude Consulting, among lawyers in some of the main offices in Latin America, the best countries in the Region to invest in are Chile, Colombia and Peru, although everything depends on the sectors of interest and the degree of risk tolerance of the investor.
20 Feb 2017_Confilegal (Spain)
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Latin America: Foreign Investors Survey 2017
The Miami-based consulting firm, Attitude Consulting, has just presented the results of its survey for foreign investors in Latin America carried out in the last months of 2016 among lawyers from some of the leading law firms operating in Latin America.
7 Feb. 2017_Latin Counsel
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Chile and Perú, the most attractive Latin American countries to invest
Chile, Peru and Colombia are the three most attractive countries for foreign investment in Latin America for this year that has just begun. It is the result of a survey carried out by Miami-based consulting agency Attitude Consulting, among the commercial lawyers of the main local law firms in the region.
5 Feb.2017_Expansión (España)
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Latin America: Survey for Foreign Investors 2017
The current study “Latin America: Foreign Investor Survey 2017” is, as its name suggests, the result of a survey carried out by Attitude Consulting in the last months of 2016 between lawyers from some of the main business law firms operating in the region
The responses are encouraging and demonstrate the dynamism of the Re-gion and the real efforts being made to create an adequate framework that will effectively attract foreign investors beyond some claims not accompanied by politics and serious structures of which the Region has been accused of in the past.
January 2017
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Great success for the European ITech Law Conference, Madrid 2016

The worldwide technology lawyers association, ITechLaw (International Technology Law Association), which gathers more than 1,000 technology and digital law lawyers from around the world, held its 2016 European Conference at the Madrid Westin Palace Hotel from November 9 until November 11.
The Madrid conference, which was a mix of education, networking, and fun, attracted more than 30 expert speakers who shared their knowledge with over 330 attendees from 39 countries.
29 Nov. 2016_Attitude Consulting for Confilegal (Spain)
Attitude dans la Presse, Attitude en los Medios de Comunicación, Attitude in the News, Market Watch
Miami, escenario, un año más, de los Premios Chambers Latin America

La entrega de los premios Chambers Latin America de cada septiembre en Miami se ha consolidado como “l’évènement incontournable de la rentrée” (el acontecimiento ineludible de la reapertura), y eso que este año se solapaban en fechas con la reunión anual de la IBA en Washington DC, lo que no impidió que la asistencia superase los 450 invitados.
5 Oct. 2016_Attitude Consulting para Confilegal (Spain)